Embracing Nature: Fostering Compassion and Responsibility through our Little Zookeepers Program at Evolution Early Learning

At Evolution Early Learning, located in both Mooloolaba and Kuluin centres, we have a special program that brings animals into the heart of our learning experience. Our dedicated zookeeper Teale, who leads our team of zookeepers, expertly facilitates interactive and tactile experiences with a diverse range of animals. These meaningful encounters are thoughtfully integrated into our curriculum, providing children with profound insights into empathy, responsibility, and the natural world. Through this program, we ensure that each lesson is not merely informative, but resonates deeply with the natural curiosity and compassion of our young learners.

Our Little Zookeepers program is a foundational element of our immersive educational approach at Evolution Early Learning. Highlighting the importance of direct interaction with animals, this initiative is pivotal to our educational ethos, aiming to enhance children's understanding of nature, ecological systems, and to cultivate empathy and respect. Orchestrated in close partnership with our on-site zookeeper and educators, we craft personalised learning opportunities that encourage our young learners to engage actively in the care and feeding of the animals. 

The highlight for many children at our centres is the time they spend with the Bearded Dragons, Cookie and Boogie. Our zookeeper notes how these friendly reptiles bask in the attention they receive, actively participating in feeding routines and displaying a fondness for interaction with the children. This genuine connection demonstrates the powerful bond between humans and animals, instilling a sense of wonder and joy in the kids. 

We are dedicated to captivating children's interest in the natural world with educational content that's both understandable and stimulating. A highlight of our program is a lesson about sea cucumbers, fascinating creatures that reproduce by splitting themselves in half. When Teale, our respected zookeeper, reveals this astonishing fact, the awe and delight in the children's eyes are genuinely uplifting. Such instances vividly demonstrate how the mysteries of nature can deeply influence young learners. Our method of delivering this knowledge in a straightforward yet intriguing way expands their understanding and cultivates a profound respect for nature. This strategy is key to igniting their curiosity and encouraging a lifelong enthusiasm for learning.

At our centres, each animal showcases unique traits that our zookeeper, Teale, is eager to highlight. For example, the captivating 'wave' performed by the Central Netted Dragons is always a favourite moment for both children and staff. These behaviours ignite curiosity and help teach the children to appreciate the wide range of unique characteristics and quirks found within the animal kingdom.

The interactions between the children and animals at Evolution Early Learning, guided by the compassionate hand of Teale, are more than just educational. They're a testament to the centres' commitment to nurturing a love for all living beings and fostering a sense of care and empathy from an early age. Through these interactions, children learn valuable lessons in biology, responsibility and kindness.

Book a tour!

Book a tour at either of our Mooloolaba or Kuluin childcare centres to fully experience our philosophy. Ready to get started? Complete our enrolment form today.