Celebrate International Day of Play with Evolution Early Learning

In recognition of the fundamental role of play in children’s development, the UN has introduced an exciting, global celebration: International Day of Play. At Evolution Early Learning, we couldn't be more thrilled to embrace and promote a day that highlights what we've always known – play is essential!

Why International Day of Play Matters

Play is more than just fun and games; it’s a critical part of learning and growing. It helps children develop social skills, problem-solving abilities, and emotional resilience. By officially designating a day to celebrate play, we’re acknowledging its importance, not just for individual growth, but for societal health and happiness as well.

Here at Evolution Early Learning, our daily routine is deeply rooted in the joy of play, mirroring our commitment to fostering imagination, curiosity, and an inherent love for learning in a supportive and enriching environment. However, on the International Day of Play, we're set to elevate this philosophy to new heights. Imagine a day dedicated to amplifying our core values – creativity, sustainability, and personal development – through a series of play-based activities meticulously designed to nurture each child's unique interests and abilities!

What’s Planned for the Big Day

Our centres in Kuluin and Mooloolaba are gearing up for an action-packed day that’s all about embracing the joy of play in its many forms. Without giving away all the surprises we have in store, here’s a glimpse into the types of fun and engaging activities awaiting your children:

  • Dynamic outdoor activities - We’ve planned a variety of outdoor activities designed to get the kids moving and enjoying the beauty of nature. These activities are carefully selected to encourage teamwork and build physical health in a fun, supportive environment.
  • Creative stations - Imagination and creativity know no bounds at our art and craft hubs. Children will have the freedom to explore different materials and mediums in ways that spark their creative spirits, and allow for personal expression.Interactive story time - Our storytelling will transform the traditional sit-down narrative into a vibrant, interactive adventure. Expect captivating tales that invite participation, spark imaginations, and foster a love for stories.
  • Our approach is to ensure a diverse range of activities that cater to different interests and learning styles, all while embedding our core values of holistic development, sustainability, and the joy of learning through play.

Let’s Make It Memorable

We are thrilled to invite you to a day where play is the star, promising unforgettable moments that beautifully intertwine fun and learning. The International Day of Play isn't merely a celebration; it's an opportunity to reinforce the vital skills that underpin a child's development and future well-being. The UN's decision to institute such a day marks a significant step forward in acknowledging the importance of play. It offers a beacon of hope and a call to action: to prioritise, protect, and cherish play in all its forms.

Mark your calendars for an exceptional celebration. Join us to witness the transformative power of play, as we demonstrate that it's more than entertainment – it's an essential ingredient for nurturing happiness and growth in childhood.

Book a tour!

Book a tour at either of our Mooloolaba or Kuluin childcare centres to fully experience our philosophy. Ready to get started? Complete our enrolment form today.